Catalogue of Services

Are you looking for a service to validate, test or evaluate your agrifood product? 
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AGRIFood Catalogue services
Design of evaluation metrics for physical testing
Politecnico di Milano
Arable farming
Food processing
Livestock farming
Tree Crops

Any physical test activity involves three main components: environment (where the tests take place), protocol (defining what tests are executed and how) and evaluation metrics (used to assess the results of the tests). This service concerns the last element; its goal is to design the best metrics to evaluate the performance of a customer solution taking into consideration the use cases specified by the customer and the environment and protocol chosen for the tests (which, if needed, can be designed via services S00106 and S00107). Our team will identify and define with customers the most adequate set of quantitative (i.e., based on instrumental measurements) and/or qualitative (i.e., relying on expert human judgement) metrics to assess the system functionalities of interest. This phase will involve, in particular, agronomists and experts in agricultural machinery. Based on the defined evaluation metrics, a set of requirements for the collection of required data and ground truth annotations will also be defined accordingly. For instance, the service may lay out the specifications for dedicated data collection campaigns (possibly executed via service S00113). This phase will involve engineers and experts in AI and robotics. On request, the output of the service will include analyses on additional environmental factors than those directly tracked through the designed metrics (e.g., seasonal effects, impact of test distribution over time on results).

Test design
Design of testing protocols for physical testing
Politecnico di Milano
Arable farming
Food processing
Livestock farming
Tree Crops

Any physical testing activity comprises three main components:

  • the environment (where the tests are conducted),
  • the protocol (which defines the tests to be executed and their methodology),
  • and the evaluation metrics (used to assess the test results).

This service focuses on the protocol, while the environment and metrics can be designed as needed through services S00106 and S00108.

In the context of testing customer solutions within physical facilities, this service aims to create a suitable testing protocol based on the use cases specified by the customer. The components of the testing protocol defined in this phase may include:

  • Defining the different phases of the protocol and their duration
  • Outlining the operations to be executed in each phase
  • Quantifying the effort required for each phase, including the number and qualifications of personnel involved
  • Distributing testing operations over time, considering seasonal and daily variations, as well as weather conditions
  • Establishing acceptable and desired variation ranges for each configurable element in the testing environment
  • Determining the number of test repetitions required and their distribution across the variation ranges

To ensure a comprehensive approach to protocol design, this service involves a collaborative team of both engineers and agronomists.

Test design
Design of testing protocols for digital testing
Politecnico di Milano
Arable farming
Food processing
Livestock farming
Tree Crops

Any test activity involves three main components, i.e., environment (where the tests take place), protocol (defining what activities are executed and how), and evaluation metrics (used to assess the results of the tests). This service concerns the second element, i.e., the design of the testing procedure for digital systems such as (for instance) AI models or computer vision software. The digital environment and the evaluation metrics can be designed—if required—via services S00176 and S00178. In the context of testing customers’ solutions within digital environments, this service is targeted at designing a suitable protocol for digital testing based on the use cases specified by the customer. The components of the testing protocol can include: - Selecting the datasets to be used for testing - Selecting reference AI models to be used for testing (if needed) - Choosing data formats and metadata standards. - Defining data pre-processing and preparation steps - Defining values and ranges of test parameters- Defining the different phases of the protocol- Outlining the operations to be executed in each phase- Thoroughly describing the protocol specifics to ensure reproducibility Datasets to be used for testing can be provided by AgrifoodTEF and/or by the customer; if nothing suitable is available, other AgrifoodTEF services can be leveraged to collect and/or generate tailored data. The technical team executing this service comprises expert engineers but can also involve agronomists when this is necessary to ensure the relevance of the tests for the use case, e.g., to determine the distribution of test repetitions across the variation ranges.

Test design