Catalogue of Services

Are you looking for a service to validate, test or evaluate your agrifood product? 
Explore our Catalogue to find the perfect service tailored to your needs! 

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AGRIFood Catalogue services
People training services
Politecnico di Milano
Arable farming
Food processing
Livestock farming
Tree Crops

The AgrifoodTEF consortium comprises a set of testing and experimentation facilities and targeted services aimed at supporting customers in the testing and validation of systems and devices based on advanced technologies. Given the technical complexity of these facilities and services and the associated complexity of many activities making use of them, many customers can benefit from a preliminary training activity. The goal of such training is to make best use of the facilities and services and fully exploit the allotted time when actual testing/experimentation occurs. Customer training – involving both technical and procedural aspects – can either be sought by the customer autonomously leveraging the documentation provided by AgrifoodTEF or directly supported by AgrifoodTEF via this service; a combination of both approaches is also possible. This service does not limit its applicability to customers that already know what they require from AgrifoodTEF. The service also provides an opportunity for customers to discuss their specific needs and requirements with our team and be directed towards the set of services in the catalogue that best suit their needs. Especially where the customer envisages an articulate testing campaign, exploring their idea together with AgrifoodTEF via this service can be very beneficial in planning subsequent activities. This service can, if needed, be integrated with services S00109 (desk assessment activities for physical systems) or S00179 (desk assessment activities for digital systems or data) to anchor its operation and possible further testing activities more closely to the specific features of the system(s) developed by the customer.

People training