General-purpose datasets serve two primary objectives: (i) evaluating mobility algorithms and (ii) developing and assessing general-purpose AI applications. In the context of mobility algorithms, this includes classical robotics tasks such as mapping, localisation, SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping), and navigation. Meanwhile, general-purpose AI applications focus on advancing algorithms and supporting decision support systems (DSS) for tasks such as, but not limited to, weed detection, health monitoring, growth and maturity assessment, and yield estimation in areas like arable farming, horticulture, food processing, forestry, and tree management. A significant challenge in developing AI solutions for agricultural robotics lies in the dynamic nature of agricultural environments, which fluctuate with different seasons and weather conditions. To address this, acquiring consistent and periodic data is essential for effectively monitoring these changes. This real-time data collection, often facilitated by aerial and/or ground robots equipped with user-specified sensors, is crucial for developing efficient algorithms and AI solutions. Such datasets can support the development of sensor-specific techniques or be leveraged to create multisensory algorithms, enabling more accurate and adaptable systems for agricultural applications.
More about the service
With our datasets, you can make smarter, data-driven decisions, helping farmers optimise their resources, reduce waste, and improve productivity. In short, we provide the data you need to develop better and more efficient solutions for agriculture.
The service is available at various locations, subject to customer requirements, terrain, weather, and access permissions. Customers receive the requested dataset along with a report, but they must provide clear data requirements and necessary permissions to ensure smooth execution.