Synergy Days 2024

Synergy Days is the premier conference uniting digital innovators in the European agri-food sector
For three consecutive years, following the success of the SmartAgriHubs project, this event has provided a platform for the agritech community to gather, discuss, and exchange ideas. It brings together EU projects, policymakers, European and Digital Innovation Hubs, farmers, and other key players in the agri-food industry.
Over the course of two days, participants can expect engaging discussions, interactive workshops, live demonstrations, and EU project pitches, all designed to foster more networking connections than ever before.
agrifoodTEF's participation in two key workshops at the Synergy Days
The Synergy Days workshops are a focal point of the event, offering participating projects and EDIHs the space to share their expertise through interactive workshops, discussions and presentations. Out of the 40 workshops organised during Synergy Days, agrifoodTEF will be actively involved in three.
14 October - 11:00 - 12:30 (CEST) - WS#5: Validation Services for SMEs leveraging AI and Robotics in the agrifood sector
The workshop is proposed for the benefit of all European SMEs working in the agrifood sector and using AI and / or Robotics in their solutions. It will present a number of concrete services that have been already successfully delivered to different SMEs/Startups in Europe, giving an opportunity to the audience to understand better and discuss how to exploit such an opportunity.
14 October - 15:40 - 16:55 (CEST) - WS#12: How can Agrifood TEF - a 60 million project - help EDIHs support SMEs?
Agrifood TEFs and Agrifood EDIHs join this roundtable to explore and share opportunities and cooperations aiming to foster the synergy and leverage the network.
15 October - 11:00 - 12:30 (CEST) - WS#28: Assessing Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) of digital technologies
Digital technologies such as AI are enablers of circular and sustainable food systems and comes with challenges. AI also raises concerns regarding the Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) such as transparency, privacy and labor aspects. To test and develop responsible and trustworthy AI in agri-food, WUR presents the ELSA research method in current and future projects. The second part of this session is interactive to uncover ELSA for your project or research. This workshop is co-organised by agrifoodTEF and Data4Food2030.