Data Processing and Analysis

Provide summarised insights and clean, standardised datasets, enabling informed decision-making and enhanced operational efficiency.

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This service transforms your raw agricultural data into valuable insights, enabling clear decision-making and optimised performance. The received data—whether from cameras, crop sensors, or other IoT devices—undergoes a thorough analysis to remove errors, inconsistencies, and outliers. Our pipeline prepares a balanced, high-quality, standardised dataset that complies with data standards, ensuring seamless sharing and interpretation. The dataset is tailored to the specific requirements of your project and delivers clean, organised data, ready for reporting, sharing, or further use in predictive models, trend analysis, or resource optimisation.

More about the service

Discover more about our service, including how it can benefit you, the delivery process, and the options for customisation tailored to your specific needs!

> Provide clear, data-driven insights to make informed and strategic decisions for your agri-food innovation.
> Provide structured datasets, ready for AI-training or validation. We have experience with different types of dataformats from regular CSV-files to time-series based data.
> Ensure data-standards for sharing and identifying the data

The received raw datasets are first cleaned up by a researcher with expertise on the specific data. The service duration depends on the size and type of the dataset. Provided that the initial dataset was of sufficient quality, a high-quality, balanced, and standardised dataset is delivered. This data can be used on data-sharing platforms such as DJustConnect, used for AI training or technical decision-making for your solutions.

We offer flexibility in processing data from all sectors covered within AgrifoodTEF, ensuring compliance with the appropriate industry data-standards . We can access multiple industry standards through an acknowledged platform.
If your project has unique or specific requirements, we are happy to discuss customizations to meet those needs.
Type of Sector
Arable farming
Food processing
Livestock farming
Tree Crops
Type of service
Data analysis
Desk assessment
Performance evaluation
Provision of datasets
Accepted type of products