Test and validate intelligent solutions based on sensors to optimise livestock farming

Test and validate the measurements made by sensors in a livestock farm and how they are used by intelligent solutions to optimise livestock farming.

Interested in this service? Contact us at lluismiquel.pla@udl.cat 



The service validates that the tested solution performs as expected by the vendor or manufacturer. The objective is to detect potential mistakes in the sensor readings, the processing of the signal gathered by the sensor or in the intelligent component deriving the final information to be provided to the user to optimize livestock farming . The test can be performed at sensor or application level. The tests and validation can be performed in a laboratory or in an experimental pig farm equipped with automatic and manual measures of different variables (feed, water, CO2, NH3, temperature, ventilation, liveweight, etc.)

More about the service

Discover more about our service, including how it can benefit you, the delivery process, and the options for customisation tailored to your specific needs!

This service helps detect potential errors in sensor readings and intelligent solutions, supporting accurate, reliable, and optimised livestock farming through comprehensive testing and validation at both the sensor and application levels. Recommendations on what needs to be used can be issued. 

The test and validation can be performed either in a laboratory or on an experimental pig farm equipped with automatic and manual measurements of variables such as feed, water, CO2, NH3, temperature, ventilation, and liveweight. The service execution will depend on the complexity of the intelligent solution and the type of sensors being tested. Results will be delivered in the form of a detailed report outlining any errors or inconsistencies found, along with recommendations for optimization. Additionally, metadata on farm conditions during the test will be provided. The service is available year-round, with flexibility depending on the specific requirements of the solution being tested. Customers will need to provide access to the intelligent solution and any necessary sensor data. Remote testing options are also available.

The service can be customised for your specific product.
Type of Sector
Livestock farming
Type of service
Collection of test data
Data analysis
Test design
Test execution
Test setup
Accepted type of products
Design / Documentation
Physical system
Software or AI model

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