Danish Node

Together, we test and prepare reliable AI and robotics technology for the market.

Alea Scovill, Danish Technological Institute (DTI)

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Wind turbines that produce electricity, built on a field in Skanderborg, Denmark

Advancing AI and Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture

Danish companies working with new AI and robotics technology for the agro-industry can now get assistance from the Danish Technological Institute through the EU collaboration AgrifoodTEF.  

The goal is to accelerate the development of reliable and safe AI and robotics technology throughout Europe.

AI and robotics technology have great but also untapped potential to contribute to development, optimization, and green transition in agriculture. For example, to reduce energy consumption, minimize the use of pesticides and optimize cultivation processes.

The Danish Technological Institute provides testing and experimental facilities as well as knowledge and expertise, so new AI technology is tested, verified and made ready for the market. It is important to ensure safe and reliable technology to exploit the opportunities. As a participant, you get access to advanced equipment at the Danish Technological Institute, where you can test technologies in our robotics laboratories and under real-world conditions - Alea Scovill, consultant at the Danish Technological Institute explains.