Test and demonstration of (robotic sensor, implement, algorithm) solutions with end-users

We can organise tests and demonstrations with end-users to gather valuable feedback on your prototype.

Interested in this service? Contact us at smartfarming@wur.nl 


Accessing the end-user in a country takes a lot of time and effort. Wageningen Research - Field Crops has, through its regional experimental farms, access to farmer networks and dealers and can bring you in contact with them. The researchers in our department have a practical approach and know what is needed to implement new technologies in farms, therefore fulfilling a bridge between agronomy, technology, and ecology. By testing and demonstrating your product or service to our farm managers and farmers in the region (for example, farmers in https://www.proeftuinprecisielandbouw.nl), we gather valuable feedback to speed up the development of your prototype.


More about the service

Discover more about our service, including how it can benefit you, the delivery process, and the options for customisation tailored to your specific needs!

Contact with potential end-users is crucial in the development of technology. By testing and/or demonstrating the customer's prototype in several fields and regions and with potential end-users, the customer gets valuable feedback on the technology.

The basis is to have personal contact to discuss the customers needs. Delivery can be discussed. Delivery can include workshops but also reports on tests, interviews with end-users, etc.

It is expected that every time customisation might be needed.
Type of Sector
Arable farming
Tree Crops
Type of service
Market research
Test execution
Accepted type of products
Design / Documentation
Physical system
Software or AI model

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