Validation of an intelligent microscope for automated honey quality analysis through pollen analysis

The validation service focuses on pollen analysis to compare the results obtained using the intelligent microscope with traditional methods.

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The validation of the service will be carried out using honey samples, which will be examined through the established traditional unitary methodology and with an AI-equipped microscope. The results will be statistically compared to determine the error rate of the AI in the analysis.

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Validation through traditional analysis of honey samples allows the company to improve and determine the condition of the equipment, providing useful information to assess the state of the product.

Chemical analyses will be conducted in the laboratory using both methodologies, evaluating each sample on the same day according to each method. Pre-collected samples will be used, and once the analysis results are obtained, they will be compared to establish the error levels present in each.

The service can be customised to meet specific customer needs, adapting the number of samples evaluated and the origin based on the requirements of each company, being able to provide samples from the university collection.
Type of Sector
Food processing
Type of service
AI model training
Collection of test data
Data analysis
People training
Performance evaluation
Test execution
Test setup
Accepted type of products
Physical system
Software or AI model

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