Design of test environments for physical testing
Politecnico di Milano


Arable farming
Tree Crops
Any physical test activity involves three main components: environment (where the tests take place), protocol (defining what tests are executed and how) and evaluation metrics (used to assess the results of the tests). This service concerns the first element, i.e., the design of a physical testing environment for use cases such as (for instance) weeding, plant phenotyping, and precision spraying solutions. The protocol and the evaluation metrics can – if required – be designed via services S00107 and S00108. Depending on your requirements and reference system/solution to be tested, our team will design an ad hoc setup equipped with all the required features for testing. Environmental features include, for example, the crop and weed species to be prepared and their growth stage. - the plant layout and intra-row configuration, - seasonal weather and climate-related conditions (e.g., lighting conditions, wind, rain), - the type of soil, moisture level, and terrain conditions (e.g., uneven terrain, presence of any slopes, and so forth), - the technical infrastructure supporting the tests (e.g., electrical layout, network infrastructure, environmental sensors, data acquisition systems…). In order to consider all aspects of the environment, this service involves a team comprising both engineers and agronomists.