Evaluation of crop classification at parcel scale functionality in an agricultural crop management platform

Evaluation of the functionality of crop classification at parcel scale based on satellite remote images through a platform specialised in agricultural crop management.

Interested in this service? Contact us at fmarquez@uco.es 


The functionality of crop classification at the parcel level will be assessed using satellite imagery through a platform specialised in agricultural crop management. To evaluate quality, CAP data from prior agricultural seasons will be utilised. This validation process will be applied in Andalusia, Spain, with a focus on the region's agroclimatic conditions and crop phenology.

More about the service

Discover more about our service, including how it can benefit you, the delivery process, and the options for customisation tailored to your specific needs!

The service allows for the evaluation of classification errors, providing insights into areas where the algorithm has failed to detect correctly. This feedback enables continuous improvement of the algorithm by focusing on the parcels that were misclassified.

The service is delivered in three phases: Initial Consultation and Data Gathering, where the provider collects CAP data and other relevant information to evaluate the customer's AI algorithm trained with satellite imagery (1-2 weeks); Analysis Phase, involving statistical analysis to compare CAP data with the AI algorithm’s outputs and identify discrepancies (3-4 weeks); and Validation and Reporting, where a detailed report with findings, classification errors, and recommendations is delivered (1 week). Conducted remotely, the entire process takes approximately 5 - 7 weeks, depending on data complexity. Outputs include a comprehensive evaluation of the AI algorithm’s performance.

The service can be customised to accommodate different crops and varied time periods, allowing for flexibility in adapting to specific agricultural needs and schedules.
Type of Sector
Arable farming
Tree Crops
Type of service
Collection of test data
Data analysis
Performance evaluation
Test execution
Accepted type of products

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