The service consists of a photorealistic digital greenhouse environment, built in a game engine.
The greenhouse is configurable to different sizes, light conditions (sun, supplementary lighting) or row spacing. In the greenhouse different crops can be placed to either test AI detection networks or complete robotic systems, as there is a ROS2 integration available. The environment is made in a way that physical properties of the objects have influence on other components or robot interactions.
More about the service
Additionally, by incorporating the customer's robot into the environment, it becomes possible to run unlimited test repetitions in the greenhouse—something that isn't feasible in real-life scenarios, where, for example, a specific fruit can only be harvested once.
The outcome of the tests are depending on customer requirements and therefore need to be discussed upfront. The outcome could consist of an annotated dataset, performance evaluation of an AI detection network or performance of a robot in the greenhouse.
Therefore, there are ample opportunities for costumers to design the environment according to the required situation.
As the environment does not include all robots by default, costumers' robot should be implemented if it is required to test interaction of the robots in the environment itself.