Data analysis support for specific and long-term data sets for arable and livestock farming data sets

Specific data sets harvested in tests, available on our test site or originating from clients, can be analysed and visualised to extract key information that can be used in the development of sensors, robotics, or AI solutions. We have data analytic expertise and the agricultural background of the arable, horticulture, and livestock farming systems. 

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WUR experts are available for analysis or advice to extract information from large and multiple-source data sets as provided with the service “Provision of specific and long-term data sets for arable and livestock farming data from the Farm of the Future experimental farms (S00132).”
It is also possible to analyse datasets of clients that are used for the development of sensors, AI, and robotic solutions. 

More about the service

Discover more about our service, including how it can benefit you, the delivery process, and the options for customisation tailored to your specific needs!

Clients have a need for specific information that can be used to understand the process or the situation for which they try to make a sensor, AI, or robotic solutions. Information can be extracted from specific datasets. Knowledge of the agricultural environment and data analytics needs to be combined. 

The service is delivered as a report and sometimes as advice in a presentation. 

Data sets and types of analyses needed will be discussed with the client.
Type of Sector
Livestock farming
Type of service
Data analysis
Provision of datasets
Accepted type of products

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