Testbed preparation
Lukasiewicz - Poznanski Instytut Technologiczny

Arable farming
Testbed preparation will enable costumers to execute physical tests of their technology/machines/algorithms in line with their expectations.
Within this service, costumers might get a well prepared flat/slopped arable lands or permanent grasslands.
We can also prepare a land with "controlled rain conditions" or a dump ground. There is also a possibility of providing and preparation of apiary or a sprinkler for software testing. We can help costumers run physical experiments by preparing a cultivated/non-cultivated fields or run tests on test plots, specially designed for testing. Within the latter, we will take care of such elements like: soil preparation, seed/plant procurement, seeding/planting, plant growth management, preparation of technical infrastructure. All this to meet your needs to ensure optimal conditions for conducting and monitoring tests.
This service can be executed in fields with various area with system of weather stations, phenological stations and ICT infrastructure. We can also prepare costumers sets of data collected for these areas like archive cultivated plants, treatments, crops, etc.
AI model training
Test design
Test setup
Test execution